
Welcome to the Contributors page!  Within these hallowed internet walls, you will find the many great and talented people that helped Animosity along the way.  We were lucky that we had so many talented people come along for this wild ride, and I would like to thank them for helping out through the good and the bad.  Though Animosity is long gone now, I want this page to be a reminder of all the hard work and sacrifice people made for our goals, and I want it to be a reminder that though our lives have all went different directions, we will all have this experience that we shared together and that we came out of as stronger individuals.

To the countless people that I don’t have pictures for below that have contributed to Animosity in amazing ways, I am sorry that you are not pictured below (Kelsey McEwing, Max Benjamin, etc.), but know that you are all remembered, and all the pics below have been floating around my computer for years, so we probably should have taken more at some point!  If anyone wants to be on this list, feel free to contact me and I’ll put you up there.

From me to you, I want to say that thank you for everything, and I wish nothing but the best for everyone that was involved along the way.